Mrs. Rose's Online Classroom
Distance Learning Week 4/27/20 – 5/1/20
Your child will continue to post their learning on the Classtag site, and continuing to read through sites I’ve provided, and spent 20 minutes on both Istation and IXL daily.
Please note that all lessons that say Upload to Classtag are now required.
Warm Up
Watch the GoNoodle to get up and moving.
Students read Boomer’s Big Surprise on Tumble Books website. While reading try to make connections to a personal experience.
Tumblebook Library
Username: austinisd
Passcode: books
Upload to Classtag
● Write
This book reminds me of.....
This reminds me of a time when I .....
Watch the video about terrariums.
Terrarium: A garden enclosed in glass.
Pretend you are an insect or plant that lives in a terrarium.
Write five complete sentences and draw about your adventures.
Upload to Classtag
What is a terrarium?
You have learned what a terrarium is and now you can either create or draw a terrarium of your own.
Take a picture of it and
upload it to Classtag.
Complete the 4 Activities
1. Watch the BrainpopJr. video on Solid 3D Shapes
Students have the choice to either do the online quiz or the shapes activity at home.
2. Complete the Brainpop, Jr.– Solid Shapes Quiz
(Select quiz of your choice).
To access the quiz:
BrainPopJr. Username: austinisd1 password: aisd
Find objects at home that resemble the shapes listed below and label the objects. Then, take a picture of 3 out of 5 of the shapes to send to your teacher on Classtag.
Or you can choose to draw 3 out of 5 shapes instead, label each, then take a picture and send it to your teacher through Classtag.
Shapes to look for: sphere, cone, cylinder, rectangular prism, cube, and triangular prism.
3. Complete the greater than and less than Word Document below and take a picture and upload it to Classtag.
4. Spend 20 minutes daily on either IXL or Istation Math.
Social Studies
Watch the Brainpop Jr. video on Goods and Services.
Then, do the Goods and Services worksheet.
Upload it to Classtag.
Be a healthy helper by sharing your favorite healthy recipe virtually with your class.
Write your healthy recipe on a piece of paper or index card. Make sure to include all the ingredients and the directions for how to make your dish.
Please upload this to Classtag Pictures so everyone can see the reciepes.